What is the material made of?

The material is made using 100% organic materials. The main components are sourced from the sea. This includes agar from red algae and fish processing waste. In the UK alone, 172,702 tonnes of fish waste is produced annually from land based processing.

What’s so good about macro algae?

Unlike land-based binders, red algae does not need any fresh water, fertile land or fertilisers to grow. This versatile plant can grow all over the world and is naturally carbon negative, which is a positive!

When will MarinaTex® be on the shelves? 

MarinaTex® is in a very exciting time of its development. The material is still undergoing research and development and until we get test results, this is hard to call.

Is MarinaTex® plastic?

Plastic is a common term we use for polymers that behave plasticly when subjected to deformation. MarinaTex® is not a plastic in this sense, it is a new material that will behave differently to plastic in production and manufacturing. In the applications shown, MarinaTex® has similar functionality and appearance to plastics, making it an attractive home compostable alternative.

Is MarinaTex® strong?

Initial testing with prototype material has shown MarinaTex® to be as strong as, if not stronger than LDPE at a similar thickness. This will be investigated in more detail in the next phase of development.

Does MarinaTex® smell of fish?

No! MarinaTex® is virtually odourless and has no fish-like smell.

Is using fish waste sustainable and renewable? 

Using fish waste is renewable when fished sustainably. MarinaTex® works only with processing plants that are part of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition.

Are you killing fish?

No! All the fish components that make up MarinaTex® are sourced from waste material from the fishing industry. This waste produce can amount to 50 million tonnes worldwide each year.

What is the circular economy?

The circular economy is an economic model that is restorative and regenerative by design. It aims to design out waste and maximise the resources we have. Currently the model is linear: we take from the earth, make with it, then dispose of it. The circular economy aims to close these loops.

The natural world does this very well. If we think about how a tree wastes its leaves- those leaves then decompose and the nutrients is then re-absorbed into the tree so it can further it’s growth. But how does this relate to our world?

A really good example of this is milk bottles. The most common way to consume milk currently is to purchase a plastic bottle from a supermarket and then dispose or recycle it once finished. However, this is relatively new behaviour, previously the most common way to get milk was using the milkman. This system doesn’t require new bottles to be made per pint. Instead, it reuses the material over and over until damaged. This is a more circular model as it keeps the material in the loop for as long as its lifecycle allows.

Why is the circular economy important?

The circular economy is a future proof economic model. There is a tendency, especially in business, to lean towards short term gains often at the expense of the environment. The circular economy provides a framework that bridges the gap between behaviours, business and our planet.